Sunday, August 3, 2008

Click here for pictures from the Basic Course 202

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Final few days at NIM and the certificate

On return, there were 4 days to go before the graduation ceremony. These days were spent in additional navigation exercise (based on the feedback forms we filled up at base camp), some more wall climbing, one additional trip to rock climbing area etc. Evenings were spent in preparations for 'Camp Fun'. The day of graduation ceremony came and we were given stuffy pullovers to wear. After lot of rehearsals, we finally got our 'pins' from the chief guest and this was followed by a similar ceremony for the Advance Course. The evening brought on a song and dance show by the trainees. It was time to say goodbyes to each other as we all left the institute for our homes in the early hours on the next morning.

The certificate arrived after a gap of 2 months and thankfully, I got the A required to attend the Advanced Course, which I intend to do next year.

The 2 day ordeal (coming down to the roadhead)

We had a written exam and navigation exercise on the last day. The exam was pretty straightforward and I could wrap it up in half an hour. I skipped the navigation exercise on medical advice on my damaged knee. However, soon, it was time to prepare to go down to Tela Camp on the next day. I was apprehensive but was given a porter and one hour head start along with other members of the advance party. My leg was pretty bad and I could put weight on it only with a straight leg, without turning it sideways. Flashes of unbearable pain resulted from any twisting or bending of the knee.

I gamely plodded on with my instructor, who accompanied me all through. Bishal Thapa was also with me for almost half the way before he was asked to go ahead. Finally, I could manage to reach Tela camp limping non stop, in 5 hours and 45 minutes, about half an hour behind the guys who started one hour after we did, from base camp.

The second day was easier and I could reach the road head in three hours, before the main group, with half an hour head start. Soon we were moving back to the institute in the buses waiting for us at Bukki bridge.