Monday, April 21, 2008

shifting to mobile blogging

As I make my move to uttarkashi today , I have shifted to my mobile for further posts . This is the first from the mobile and the system works fine except that the date is coming out to be one day behind the current cellphone system date. Trying to figure that out. Oh! I also put on a vacation message for friends on my email account and disabled all the news alerts and group emails.

I got a whole lot of transparent polythene bags big enough to take a sleeping bag/ clothes/ other stuff each. This will help to keep my stuff dry inside the rucksack. Despite trying my best I could not fit the stuff I want to carry in a 40 ltr daypack I wanted to take. Now I have to bug NRTMA to dole out help by lending a rucksack or kitbag to me. Will do that today. Another important item is to buy 4 more rechargeable AA cells for my camera. Though I already have 2 sets, yet I have learnt the hard way that these cells' efficiency drops drastically in cold climate.

People tell me that they have gensets and electricity at Gujjar Hut but I am not sure whether they would allow us to charge our cellphones/ batteries


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